Thursday, April 15, 2010


Thursday, 15 April 2010. Actually, I don't have a plan to conduct such a good ride to Port Diskson just like today. I had tried to gather among my biker's friends last night, but nobody came except bro Fuad. Every body seems like busy with their own schedule and so on.

Early this morning, around seven, the first person I called is Mr Din Janggut and I asked him to have a ride and he is soon agreed. The next person I'd called is Mr Fuad and he also had no idea to reject this marvellous appointment. Mr Wandi is a hard working person in Petronas, and yet don’t have enough sleep last night since he is working for the whole night,( may be, i guess) also exited and refuse to avoid from miss this interesting moring ride. At last there were 6 bikers managed to be gather together. We meet at Sungai Udang around 9 am and had a breakfast together. Then we go for riding. Here  are the photos....

Having a simple breakfast at Sungai Udang

break for a while and someone sucks a cigratte's smoke for pleasure.. someone just behind the photo
meleper la bro...

all cleared...every one is safe while riding home
 just like other money maker, their eyes were half bold naked seeing "pulus masyuk". not me yeah.. I am just an observer only